The Prototype Fund team provides advice and support to the projects during the funding period. In addition to project support and program management, the Prototype Fund conducts research – for example, on the question of how the community of freelance developers and the innovation potential from society can be promoted and used. In addition, the team works on the continuous development of the program, because that is also what the Prototype Fund is: a prototype itself.
Co-Director / Program Management
Marie manages the Prototype Fund together with Patricia. She also manages the projects during their funding period. She studied cultural journalism and researched new models for online journalism platforms. Since then, she has worked as a freelance journalist, campaigner, communications officer, infosec trainer and event organizer for various projects in journalism, privacy and open source.
Co-Director / Communication and Content
Patricia manages the Prototype Fund together with Marie. She is also responsible for the communication of the Prototype Fund. She studied religion and culture in Berlin and did research on medial discourse hegemony. Previously, she worked in public relations for various NGOs.
Accompanying Research
Sophia is responsible for conducting accompanying research and for organising events at the Prototype Fund. She studied politics, economics, and philosophy in Hamburg.