Demo Day on September 3rd 2024

The Protoype Fund invites you to the Demo Day on September 3rd 2024 at bUm in Berlin-Kreuzberg.

At our Demo Day, the projects from the 15th funding round will present the results of their work and how they got there in presentations, panel discussions and live demos. During the six-month funding period, the developers dealt with a wide variety of technological and social issues: From algorithms on causality to support in the German funding landscape and in recognizing human rights violations to the detection of litter in coastal regions, there is almost nothing that does not exist. Now is the time to showcase and celebrate this work!

Jens Ohlig, member of the Prototype Fund jury, will give the keynote speech at the opening of the Demo Day. He works as a cybersecurity consultant and was previously an editor at Tagesspiegel Background Cybersecurity, worked for Wikimedia Deutschland for many years and was a board member of the CCC. In the keynote speech “Aus gutem Grund: Software für das Ehrenamt”, he will shed light on how and why volunteers work behind the scenes on digital and social infrastructures, what patterns exist for this volunteer work and how it acts as a real pillar for technology and coexistence. The possible answers to these questions lead us through self-designed meeting places of tech-enthusiastic hackers, Wikipedia and several software projects.

As always, in addition to the project presentations and a supporting program, there will also be plenty of time for exchange with grantees and the audience as well as delicious catering!

Please note: You need a free ticket to take part:

The information on this page will be updated regularly.

WHAT? Prototype Fund: Demo Day of the 15th funding round
WHEN? 3rd of September 2024, 11.00 a.m. – 5.30 p.m.
WHERE? bUm – Raum für die engagierte Zivilgesellschaft, Paul-Lincke-Ufer 21, 10999 Berlin

The bUm can be reached by public transport (nearby stops: M29 Ohlauer Straße: 250m, U8 Schönleinstraße: 550m, U1/U3 Görlitzer Bahnhof: 900m, U8/U1/U3 Kottbusser Tor: 1,1km). There are no car parks belonging directly to the bUm, but there are many public car parks in the immediate vicinity. The event will be clearly signposted from the street. The pavement on Paul-Lincke-Ufer between Ohlauer Straße and the bUm is paved with large, flat stone slabs that are easy to drive on.
Access to the bUm venue and all event rooms, including the toilet and terrace, are fully wheelchair accessible. There are automatic door openers, sufficiently wide doors and corridors as well as a lift to get to the accessible toilet. We will mark the steps to the stage in colour to make them more visible.
If you have any support needs, suggestions or requests, please let us know while ordering your ticket.


10:30 Entry

11:00 Welcoming

11:20 Keynote – Aus gutem Grund: Software für das Ehrenamt
By Jens Ohlig

11:50 Panel I – Organisiert engagiert mit freier Software
With projects Alertrix, Civil Case Manager and StuFiS (StudierendenFinanzSoftware)

12:25 Presentation I – a11yBuddy

12:40 Demo Time!
Time to view interactive demos
With projects ChatAlly, DeKUF – Decentralising KUserFeedback, ipyblender, OpenPV, Psylink, Semantic Documents, StreetComplete für iOS and turtlemail

13:20 Lunch break

14:00 Presentation II – sig0namectl

14:15 Panel II – Mit Software zum Recht
With projects DocDialog, Förderfunke and Human Rights Predictor

14:45 Presentation III – Podlove Publisher Podcasts Onboarding & Import Assistant

15:00 Demo Time!
Time to view interactive demos
With projects ChatAlly, DeKUF – Decentralising KUserFeedback, ipyblender, OpenPV, Psylink, Semantic Documents, StreetComplete für iOS and turtlemail

15:50 coffee & cake

16:10 Presentation IV – Ocean Eco Watch

16:25 Panel III – Daten erfassen, Sinn erfassen
With projects causy, Investigating Science and Media Impact Monitor

17:05 Presentation V – Million Neighborhoods – Re-blocking

17:20 Closing Words

17:30 End of the Demo Day